Welcome to the zaniest and most absurd meme coin in the crypto universe, SmartJoker! Prepare to be entertained, amused, and, most importantly, bewildered as we dive into the whimsical world of SmartJoker.

With a total supply that’s simply astronomical, tax mechanisms that are as unpredictable as a joker’s prank, and features that’ll leave you in stitches, this is the meme coin you never knew you needed. Let’s embark on this wild ride together, as we explore the smartest joker in the crypto deck!


Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to the SmartJoker extravaganza! The nonsensical mission and vision behind SmartJoker.

Tax Mechanism

A joker's twist: Tax rates that change with every moon cycle. How our tax system will keep you on your toes.

Community Circus

Our community is a circus, and we love it that way. How you can participate in the hilarious circus acts.

Transparency... Or Not?

A joker's twist: Tax rates that change with every moon cycle. How our tax system will keep you on your toes.

Joker Brigade

Meet the cast of the SmartJoker brigade. Are you crazy ? just joking! Introducing the wackiest team in the crypto carnival.


And in conclusion... who needs conclusions anyway? Embrace the absurdity and be part of the SmartJoker mayhem!

Token Overview

We've got more tokens than there are stars in the galaxy. Just joking, it's just a total supply of 420,000,000,000 The utterly ridiculous value: 0.000001 SmartJokers per coin.

Joker Pranks

The heart and soul of SmartJoker: Random joker pranks. What crazy surprises await the lucky holders?

Absurdity and Laughter

The cornerstone of SmartJoker: Absurdity and laughter. How we're committed to making you chuckle in the crypto circus.

Roadmap to Chaos

The roadmap to nowhere: A journey of unpredictable events. What to expect (or not) in the SmartJoker circus.

Joker Brigade

Meet the cast of the SmartJoker brigade. Are you crazy ? just joking! Introducing the wackiest team in the crypto carnival.

Legal Disclaimer

Our lawyers told us we needed this section. Remember, it's all in good fun!


Just kidding! There are no references in the circus.


SmartJoker is a whimsical meme coin created purely for fun and amusement. It's not real, and it's definitely not financial advice. Don't take any of this seriously, and always consult real financial professionals for your crypto endeavors.